It was important for me to share the message of replacing judgment with more curiosity at every level of society at TEDx Katowice in Poland a few weeks ago.

My TEDx Talk title was “It’s just a black rock, right?”

How to avoid Black Rock thinking is an idea worth sharing – TEDx Katowice

At every level of our lives, we come across Black Rocks. These are moments when we have fixed ideas, biases and judgment –  when we don’t see, understand or value someone – “they’re just a black rock, right?”

Black Rock thinking is the bias and prejudices we have that cause us to dismiss someone before understanding them.

In the name of efficiency, getting stuff done on our “to list” and protecting our ego, we can rush to judgment and see people as “just a black rock.” 

Black rock thinking has been a catalyst for war and changed economies. It’s also at the heart of the Great Resignation.

I challenged the audience to be a leader that sees, understands and values people, because for us to be our best, we need to been, understood and valued. It’s a universal and basic psychological need.

An easy hack and the anecdote to black rock thinking is to say “tell me more” in every conversation…and then listen to understand.

Where are you seeing black rocks? What are you not seeing?

Shed light on that black rock and see what it reveals to you.